Friday, October 16, 2009

Digital Photo Pros Forum

Hello All,

I recently found an awesome photo website forum that i thought other should go and check out. Here is the link Digital Photo Pros. All you have to do is register (which is free). Make sure to put my name Michille Baker in the referee box because each month they give away about $2000 dollars worth of prizes to the person who refers the most. They also hold photo contests that also give away lots of prizes. Anyways check it out you wont be unhappy lots to see and also lots to learn.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Photography Poses

Below is a list of photography poses along with some great websites that will help you with posing. My favorite is the first one and I actual have it printed and laminated just in case i ever need it. I hope these will come in useful for you.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

3 minute Photoshop Elements 7 Eye Pop Tutorial

Photoshop Elements Tutorial

Before we begin i will need you to download & install this wonderful mask action by reta. This mask action can be found here. For directions on how to install the actions click here.

Reta also makes some wonderful actions that are compatible with both elements and photoshop cs2&3 so once you've learned how to use them go back to her site and check them out. I also have some actions on my blog but they are only compatible with cs3. I will evenly make some fore elements.

1. Open the photo you would like to edit and then duplicate the background layer by clicking ctrl +J. You can also duplicate a layer by opening the layer's pallet and then clicking on layer - duplicate layer

You should now see 2 layers - a background layer and another layer named "layer 1"

2. Next, change the blending mode of layer 1 to screen. This can be done in the layers pallet and selecting the down arrow next to the word normal and scrolling down to the word screen.

Step 2

3. Next you will need the action you just installed. If you haven't downloaded & installed it already then please do so now.

In this step we will creating a mask which will allow you to mask out only part of the image that you want to be seen.

1st you will need to select the "layer 1" layer and then open up your effects pallet and locate the action that you just installed. It should have an icon that says something like "CoffeeShop Layer Mask" if you can't find it you may not have installed correctly. If this is the case repeat the installation instructions and try again. If you do see the icon then select the action and click on apply button at the bottom of the effects palette. The action will add a layered mask to the "Layer 1" layer. Like shown in the picture below.


4th - Next, grab your paint bucket which can be found in your tools pallet and then change the foreground color to white. See 4a pic below.


5th - Next, make sure that your mask layer is selected (see 5a pic below) and then with your paint bucket click on you photo. This should now fill you mask layer black and will also make your picture go back to what it looked like before you changed your blending mode to screen (see pic 5b below)


Step 4

6th - Now, grab your paint brush which is located in the tools pallet (see 5a above) and with your masked layer selected and your foreground color still set to white, color over the iris parts of the the eye's. You will need to make sure the size of your brush is not any larger than the iris part of the eye. To do this check the pixels size using the brush option menu which is usually located under the main bar. see pic 6a below


Note: If you paint outside the iris part of the eye then you can set the foreground color
black and use your brush to paint back what you didn't want to paint over. Also if you want you can paint over the white of the eyes with a very low opacity brush. To do this just change the opacity of the brush to about 20%.

7. Once you have done that you will need to lower the opacity of "Layer 1" so that the eye's look more realistic. Lower the opacity to your taste. To do this just move the opacity slider of "Layer 1" to the left from the layer's pallet.

8. Okay once you have completed that you will need to flatten your image. To do this go to your menu bar above layer - flatten image.

Step 5

8. Now that we have brightened up the iris part of the eye we will not sharpen the whole eye up using the high pass filter. First we will need to repeat steps 1 above to duplicate our layer.

9. Next, we will need to add a high pass filter to the "layer 1" layer.

To do this go to the menu bar above and select filter - other - high pass and set to about 8 pixels and click ok. Now change the high pass layer blending mode to soft light (see 9a below).


8. Next, you will need to repeat steps 4 thru 5 to create a layered mask for the "layer 1" layer

9. Next, once you have filled your mask layer black you will need to take your paint brush using the foreground color white and paint the whole eye's including the white's, pupil and iris. This will sharpen and define the eye.

Note: If once you've painted the eyes it they look over sharpened then you can just bring down the opacity in the layer pallet of "Layer 1"

10. Okay once you have completed that you will need to flatten your image. To do this go to your menu bar above layer - flatten image.

You should now have more defined eyes.

Here is a before and after adding


Monday, February 9, 2009

How to install actions in elements 7

Hello Everyone,

I am going to explain using a step by step tutorial for all of you newbies out there on how to install actions for photoshop elements 7.

1. Download the action you are wanting to load. Make sure to remember were you downloaded.

2. Next, find the file that you just download and if it needs to be unzipped then follow the instruction below to do so other why's go on to the next step.

Unzip Instructions:
a- Double click on the zipped folder that you would like to unzip

Step 1

b - Click on Extract All under the folder task

Step 2

c - Next, an extraction wizard dialog box will come up

Step 3

d - Click next then click on browse to select the destination were you would like to save the folder to.

Step 4

e - Now that you have chosen a location to save the file click next and make sure the
show extracted files has a check mark beside it.Then press finish.

Step 5

f - Next, it should bring up a window showing the folder that you just extracted.

Step 6

g - Next double click on the folder you just extracted.

Step 7

The unzipping of the file is complete continue on the loading the actions.

3. First before we even begin to load the actions we need to make sure that are folder options are set to view hidden files and folders.

How to show hidden files and folders

a- Go to Tools - Folder Options in the

Step 10

b - Folder options dialog box will appear. Select the view tab and
scroll down to hidden files and folders and make sure the show
hidden files and folders option is selected. Then click ok.

Step 11

4. Ok, now we can go one to copying the actions files and placing them in the correct directory. First we need to change the way we view the window so we can read what type of files are located in the folder that we just unzipped.

Step 8

5. Next, look under the type column and find the .png and the .atn file and select both of the like i did below. To select them all you have to do is select on then while holding down the ctrl button click on the other file.

Step 9

6. Next, after you have selected the to files you will need hold the ctrl button down and click on the letter c. This copy's the files so you can paste them into the location later.

7. Once, you have copied them you will then need to go and select on view - explorer bar - folders

step 12

8. Next, you should see some folders on the left hand side of your screen.

step 13

9. Next, go to this location C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\7.0\Photo Creations\photo effects

10. Once you have the photo effects folder open then all you have to do is click on ctrl plus v and that will paste those 2 files into the photo effects folder.

You should now be done with installing the actions.

Next all you have to do is open up your photoshop elements 7 and locate the photo effects folder and the action you just installed should be located there. I hope this helps!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

2 Minute Photoshop cs3 Eye Pop Tutorial

Wow, what amazing thinks that can be done in photoshop. Every since I've started taking pictures and editing them I've been astonished with how much stuff photoshop can help improve your photo's. Today, i am going to show you how to pop the eye's out in photoshop so that your subject stands out. This can be done a million different ways but today i am only going to show you the way i do them. I have 2 tutorials one using photoshop cs3 and the other using photoshop elements 7 ( i am guessing can be used with any element versions).

Photoshop CS3 Eye Tutorial

Open the photo that you would like to edit. I will usually do all of my basic photoshop editing before editing the eyes but it's up to you.

1. Next, make sure your layers pallet is open. Duplicate the background layer by either typing ctrl +J or by dragging the background layer into the duplicate layer icon.

Step 1

2. Next, change the layer blending mode to screen.

3. Next, you will need to add a layered mask to the duplicate background layer by holding down alt + click on the add vector mask in the layers pallet. This step will unmask everything in your photo so it looks like it did before you changed the blending mode to screen.

4. Now select your paint brush from the tools menu and change the color of your brush to white so you can't paint back the areas that you want to be brightened up.

5. Next with the paint brush, paint colored areas of the eye leaving the white's of the eyes and everything else in the photo alone. If your not for sure what i mean check out my pic below. Right now it may look a little funny but trust me it will look better in a minute we will adjust the opacity when we are done.

Step 5

6. Okay next what we will need to do is brighten up the white's in the eyes using the same masked layer as we did in step 5. With your brush still selected change the brushes opacity to about 30% and brighten up the white in the eye's. See the picture below if your not for sure what i am talking about.

Tip: If you end up going outside the intended area that you wanted then just set your brush color back to black and mask the area back out.

7. Once you have completed brightening the eye up you will need to bring the opacity down to the desired look so that the eye doesn't look to fake. I used 40% but it's up to you and what your photo looks like. Also do keep in mind that when we sharpen the eyes in the later steps it will also brighten the eye's up.

Step 7

8. Once you have done that flatten the image and then duplicate the background layer again.

9. Next we will be sharpening the image. To do this make sure you are working on the duplicate background layer. Go to filter - other - highpass sharpening - use 6 pixels and click ok - change the layer blending mode to soft light.

10. Next, you will need to add a layered mask to the duplicate background layer again by holding down alt + click on the add vector mask in the layers pallet. Click on your paint brush tool if it's still not selected already and change the color to white.

11. Now you will paint in all of the eye and if you want you can even sharpen up the eyelashes a little also. If you sharpen the eye lashes use a change your opacity of your brush to about 40%.

12. Next when that's complete flatten your image and your done.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Photoshop CS3 Color Pop Tutorial

Hello Everyone,

In this tutorial i will explain how to boost your colors along with brightening your photo to give it the extra pizazz it needs. This tutorial was created for Photoshop cs3 so i don't know if you could use it in Photoshop Elements. It also works well if your working with portrait pictures but it can also be used for any other types of photo's to, all you have to do is skip the eye & skinning softening steps.

Here is my before and after


Okay now lets get to the tutorial.

Part 1: Skin Blemish Removal

1. With the photo that you plan on editing open your layers pallet up so you can see all of the layers that you are working with and then duplicate the layer by either dragging the background layer to the new layers icon or by simply pressing CTRL +J. Rename that layer you just duplicated to skin blemishes.

2. Next, make sure your skin blemish layer is selected and remove any unwanted blemishes from the skin. I usually use the healing brush and when that doesn't work i will use the patch tool.

Skin layer

3. Once you have completed removing any unwanted blemishes from the skin, merge the layers so all you have is just the background layer. To do this go to layer - merge layers

Step 2: Boosting Colors & Overall Brightness

In the next 6 steps you will be creating a series of adjustment layer's that will later need to be adjusted to fit the picture that your are editing.

1. Create a levels adjustment layer by clicking on what looks like a circle half black & white in the layers pallet window and select levels adjustment. Next, make sure that RGB is selected and adjust the levels to 0, 1.06, 255 and then click ok.

2. Next, create a color balance adjustment layer the same way you did before. In the Color balance window set your settings to 0,0,-13. Click ok.

3. Next, create a curves adjustment layer with the following 4 points on the RGB curve.

Point 1: 0, 0
Point 2: 65, 65
Point 3: 123, 130
Point 4: 255, 255

Note: The first number is the input and second number is the output

4. Create another curves adjustment layer with the following 3 points on the RGB curve.

Point 1: 9, 0
Point 2: 125, 131
Point 3: 255, 255

5. Next create an channel mixer adjustments layer with the following numbers

Output Red Channel: Red= 120 Green= -6 Blue= -6
Output Green Channel: Red= -6 Green= 120 Blue= -6
Output Blue Channel: Red= -6 Green= -6 Blue= 120

6. Now create a brightness and contrast layer using the following numbers

Brightness: 4 Contrast: 8

7. Ok, next we will need to group all of the adjustment layers that we just created in step 1-6 by selecting all of the adjustment layers and clicking ctrl g.

8. Now that we are finished creating and grouping the layer's we will need to adjust any of the adjustment layer's to what fits the photo you are working with. If you like it just how it is then forget the rest of this step. If you have found that your photo looks to bright now adjust the curves layers by bringing down the opacity or hiding the layer all together. If you need to adjust color adjust the color balance layer or the channel mixer layer.

9. Once you have finished that you will need to merge layers so you are back to your background copy.

Step 3: Eye Define & Skin Softening

Eye Define:

1. Duplicate background CTRL +J and set your blending mode to screen.

2. Next would will need to add a layer mask to the layer you are currently working on by holding down the alt key and selecting the add layer mask icon in the layers pallet. This will fill the layer mask with black which will mask out everything. You will then need to click on your paint brush and set the color to white and the opacity to about 40% and mask in around the color part of the eye. Once you have completed that you can adjust the opacity of that layer to your taste.

3. Next we need to murge layers and then duplicate the background layer. Here we need to add a the high pass filter at a radios of about 8 pixels. Once, that is done change the high pass layer blending mode to soft light and then add a layer mask by holding down the alt key and selecting the add layer mask icon in the layers pallet. Now go back and mask in all of the eye. This will sharpen your eye up a bit. If you need to you can adjust the layer's opacity to your taste. Once you have done that merge layers.

Skin Softening & more eye enhancment

For the next part of the tutorial you will need to download the wonderfull free coffeeshop powder room 2 action located here she also has a lot of other free actions also.

4. Next, run the CoffeeShop PowderRoom 2 Action and use any of the layer that you want to make you photo look the way you want. I love the skin softening and also eye defining layer.

5. Once you have finished running the action make sure merge layers.

Step 4: Finishing touches

1. Next sharpen your photo by either 1 of 2 ways

- Highpass filter at 5pixels, on a duplicate layer and setting the blending mode to soft light

- Unsharpen Mask at 75, 1.0, 0

2. After sharpening if i need to I will then blur out the background so that my subject stands out.

3. Now to finish it off i will sometimes add a vignetting to my photo. There is a wonderful free action from the same place that you got the powderroom action which makes things alot easier.

Ok, i think i have explained it all. It you have any questions or sugestions then let me know.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

How to load my photoshop actions!

Hello Everyone,

Since, I am sure there are many of you who do not know how to load actions into photoshop. Here is a tutorial on how to load actions into photoshop.
If you would like to download this tutorial click here
Loading Actions

Candy Shop Muted Colors Actions!

I have just recently finished my muted color action set. There are 2 actions included in this set. They are Mute me Please! & Pretty Me! Enjoy and like always please if you use any of my actions please credit me so others can use my free actions to, thanks!



Mute Me Please!


Pretty Me!


You can download the Candy Shop Muted Action Set here.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ice Cream Color Set Actions

Hello Everyone,

Just finished my new actions. These are a set of color actions. Hope you like and like always if you like please credit me for them so others can also use my free actions.



Vanille w/eye Pop:


Vanille w/eye Pop & Another Scoop Please:




Bubble Yum!:




Apple Delight:


Here is the link to my newIce Cream Color Set Actions